
Thursday, September 29, 2011


After I am finished with my 30 day shred I was looking into getting a beginners yoga DVD.  Just wondering if anyone knows if it burns a lot of calories? Is it a good workout? 

I am really struggling this week with the shred.  I skipped Tuesday night because TOM was really hurting.  I  resumed last night and I had to really push myself.  I really don't like it. 

I have had a few compliments today that I was looking smaller.  Yay! One of them was my hubby, does he count?  But the other was a co-worker friend. (always wanted to draw the line through a word, hehe) Those compliments were welcomed today I just haven't been feeling it this week. 

Monday, September 26, 2011

Oh Okay..TMI alert

TOM just showed up so maybe just maybe that is why my loss is so little...I would love to see a big number on the scale this week. That's all for now.  :)  

Monday Already!?!

Not ready for another work week.  Pffttt! Anyway I weighed in this weekend and only lost .2.  Grrrrr.  I worked out every single day, but I was extra hungry this week and I think that was my downfall. 

I have said this before but this week I will count calories.  I have to.  I set a 10 pound weight loss goal for September and I have until Friday night to lose three lbs. That is do-able right?  Once I do those three lbs I will do my picture update.  Yay!

I didn't do the 30 day shred this morning I will have to do it tonight.  I might change it to nights all the time.  On Friday I did my shred then got on my stationary bike right after that.  I sweat so much more on the bike after doing my shred. I am thinking I burn more since my heart rate is already up?  Idk.  I just like to sweat, makes me feel like I am doing more.  I got up Saturday and did the same thing.  Hurt so good! 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Levels and Losers

Today I started Level 2 of the 30 day shred.  Ladies if you haven't ever been to level 2, level 1 is nothing.  It's hard, I sweat like a pig and my arms hurt when I raise them.  But it felt awesome to get to level 2.  I can only imagine level 3.  I did measurements before I started the 30 Day Shred.  Should I check my measurements after every level or just when I am finished with the whole DVD?  I'm proud of myself for sticking with this.

I had no idea but the Biggest Loser comes on tonight! I am excited about it this year.  I usually start watching it but don't finish.  I would get mad at myself because I would watch these people lose all this weight week after week and all I was doing was sitting on my butt eating crap.  But this time I am losing with them.  I ride my stationary bike every night so that is what I plan I doing while I watch...instead of eat crap.

I have a doctors appointment tomorrow.  I haven't weighed in there since February.  I am curious to see what I have lost since then.  I think it will be more than what I know I have lost.  We will see.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Weigh In..

Just a quick post.  I weighed in this morning at 2.2 lbs less! So that is 26.6 lbs down.  I think I can I think I can!

Friday, September 16, 2011


I don't usually talk about how my weight has effected my life in the past.  I lost weight before I kept it off for a while and then gained almost all of it back.  I have always blamed it on the combination of my mom passing away and entering into a happy relationship. No matter how I slice it I still did the wrong things and gained the weight back.  I didn't really realize how much I had gained back until my husband I went on our honeymoon.  My husband I flew to Miami on February 20th., 2011  I knew when I boarded that plane I would have to use one of those damn seat belt extenders.  So I just went ahead and asked for one. My husband is not a small guy.  He isn't fat just tall..broad get the picture.  We were packed in those damned airplane seats.  I immediately started to cry right there on the plane.  It sucked.  I was going on my honeymoon and I all could think about was my ass is too fat for the seat. I was thinking I'm supposed to be little so my husband can be comfortable.  He put his arm around me and comforted me...I dried up the tears.  Then of course we had to switch planes in Charlotte.  This was a bigger plane so usually in the past I never had an issue with the seat belts on the bigger planes.  But this one....same thing I needed an extender.  So I did the walk of shame to get one. *Once on a plane trip a lady was sitting in the emergency exit row and she had to have a seat belt extender the flight attendant made her move because she couldn't sit in the emergency exit row with an extender* Well damn! I was in the emergency exit row.  I was sooo scared the flight attendant would make me switch seats.  I just covered my seat beat and looked out the window until take off.  Avoiding all eye contact with her.  I didn't have to move.  I guess she didn't remember me.  That was a better trip because we had more space and a lot of leg room. Once in Miami I could give a sigh of relief because I didn't have to fool with airplane seat belts for a week.  

We boarded a Cruise Ship and had a wonderful time for seven days!  We went to Mexico, Belize, Honduras, and the Grand Cayman Islands.  It was beautiful and romantic.  I would post pics but my work computer forbids us from getting on Facebook.  If you want to see go here.

Then it was time to get back on the plane to travel home.  The trip from Miami to Charlotte wasn't so bad I still had use the seat beat extender.  I thought about just sticking it my bag and carry around from airplane to airplane then leaving it on the the last airplane but I didn't want to get arrested for smuggling airline property.  The trip from Charlotte to Lexington was crap!  Crap I tell you! Hubby and I boarded and I told the flight attended I would need the seat belt thingy.  She said okay she would bring it to me.  Well instead of bringing it to me she points to me after everyone had got on the plane and moved me to a seat in the very front away from my husband.  Now you would think she did this because there was extra seats and I could sit  Two guys got on the plane and I was in their seats.  They were telling me I was in their seats and I needed to get up.  The flight attended said no, one of them could sit next to me and the other could sit in the seat across the way next to another girl sitting alone.  They were not happy they wanted to sit together.  It was so embarrassing because they were making a little bit of a scene.  So I had to sit next to this guy all the way home.  He apparently took a bath in cologne because it was gagging me.  He kept leaning over me to look out the window and to top it all off we hit some bad turbulence and I didn't even have my husbands hand to hold.  When I looked back at him he was sitting alone.  I really don't know why she moved me from him because the guy she sat next to me wasn't much smaller than my husband.  It was horrible.

I never want to fly again until I lose this weight.  I refuse. 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Weekend Recap

Day 5 of my 30 day shred was completed this morning.  It should have been six but I slept in on Saturday and I was super busy after that.  Just didn't work it in.  It does get easier with each day I do it.  Yesterday morning my kids joined in.  They are so funny.  My son said if I get him weights he will do the whole thing with me.  So sweet and so manipulating all at the same time.

Saturday evening Mr. C and I took the kids to the bowling alley.  They had a lot of fun. My daughter would take the ball up and throw it trying to bounce it like a basketball.  She actually got a strike. Hey whatever works!

My hubby made a Pizza the other night for dinner.  We got a whole wheat thin crust from Whole Foods and it was so good.  He put sauce, onions, roma tomatoes, and I grilled up some chicken to put on it.  Topped it off with some light mozzarella.  It was sooooo good! Man my love can make a pizza!

Friend Makin Mondays!

If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section on my page so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!

1. What are your talents? I played the trumpet for 7 years...I am also very crafty.

2. What is your best habit? Finishing what I start.

3. If you had to be stuck with someone in an elevator for 8 hours, who would you want it to be? I know it's cheesy but my Hubby. 

4. Share one odd fact about you that we’d never know to ask. I am double jointed in my big toe on my right foot...yep.

5. What’s your latest project (work, home, whatever you care to share?) Besides this weigh loss nothing I have no other projects going on at the  moment.

6. If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be? My stomach roll....Uggghhh

7. What do you do in your spare time? What spare time?  I have a job, two kids, a husband.. I do like to go to movies and shop when my kids are with their dad. 

8. What is your biggest pet peeve? Empty toilet paper rolls, just replace it!

9. Why do you blog? Support and accountability

10. Are you tidy or messy? TIDY

11. What’s the last song that played on your iPod? Motivation by Kelley Rowland

12. Do you cook? Yes I do...and getting better at it all the time

13. Do you like sports?Collage basketball...GO BIG BLUE!!  (Kentucky)

14. How often do you read and/or watch the news? Usually in the mornings while getting ready for work but I always turn it for my daughter to watch cartoons

15. Did you stick to your new Year’s resolution this year? I don't think I made one.

16. What are you looking forward to most in the remainder of 2011? Holidays with my family.

17. Shoes, sunglasses or handbags? Purses, I love a pretty purse.

18. How do you feel about sleeping on satin sheets? I have never slept on them.

19. Do you sing in the shower? Sometimes

20. Describe yourself in one word. ummm Persistent

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Weigh in...updates..and opinions..OH MY!

Let me first start out by letting you know I weighed in today I lost 2.0 lbs! Yay! I was a little scared because the last Sunday and Monday I did not do so hot. But I will proudly take that 2.0 lbs.

This past week (starting on Tuesday) I really worked hard. I rode my exercise bike everyday and on Wednesday I started the 30 day shred. I ate well and I feel good.

On to my opinions. I know there has been a lot of talk about someone taking other bloggers daily posts and using them to make their own post for the day.  Everyone has their own opinion and there own way of doing things.  Not everyone is going to do it the same way.  There are many ways people have lost weight.  I follow bloggers who have gone the surgery route if this works for you when nothing else did good for you.  That is what you choose for yourself.  I follow bloggers who are on weight watchers if this works for you great! I follow bloggers who decide to get out there and exercise and cut back on what they eat.  Good for you! The point is all of us weight loss bloggers are out there trying to figure out that magic way to lose weight and keep it off.  And I think most all of us know there isn't any magic to it.  You have to find what best works for you.  All of us are in the same boat.  I myself turned to blogging to have a support system and help me along my way.  I hardly think "finding something hilarious" about the faults other bloggers admit on their blog is support.  I think you can get your point across with out saying something down right nasty.  I think it is "hilarious" you try to justify your blogs by saying "you don't think your better than anyone".  I really think you like the negative attention.  How would you like it if other bloggers picked apart what you wrote?

I have been doing a little reading over on that blog.  He says....Here is my plan. I will be starting the diet of a pre-op gastric bypass patient. 60 days worth, two weeks pre surgery, two weeks post surgery and then 4 weeks of after care. All without a single stitch. If you have the nerve, if you want to really lose some weight. Then he goes on to say... we will follow the same plan, and we will get thinner and healthier together. we will get this done on a plan that I know works. No bullshit, no cheating, a real commitment for 60 days. If you start, I expect you to stay. Bravery would help, as will permission from a doctor if you are at risk of dying.  Isn't it ironic he says they will get healthier and risk of dying in the same paragraph? "Hilarious" if ya ask me.  So eating a diet made of chicken broth and pudding is healthy?  Hardly.  I agree with you, you will get thinner...but for how long. Do you plan to eat that way for the rest of your life? Losing weight is a lifestyle change not a diet. You need to modify your eating habits for life not for 60 days.  DUH!  You have so much advice and your bullshit way of thinking is ludicrous. 
I could go on but I'm not gonna spend my time on it.

Have a great night everyone!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

30 Day Shred

Well I bought the 30 Day Shred with all intentions of starting it with some other bloggers but I really wanted to try it out this morning.  So I did.  It's all what I would call very basic moves but it's still no joke.  By the time I was finished I was red, hot and sweat was rolling off of me.  I just laid in the floor this morning after I was finished.  My four year old daughter looking at me all crazy just laying there said "momma your not gonna lose any weight like that" my little smart ass! I felt good.  I think I will continue to do this in the mornings for the 30days.  I ride my stationary bike in the evenings for 30 minutes on rolling hills so I think I am doing pretty good.  My goal is to get to the gym a couple of days to do the weight machines just to help along.  I feel pretty focused.  Although, after I was done with my shred this morning  I felt dizzy and light headed.  I ate a banana then left the house I felt this way the whole time I drove.  I dropped my daughter off with the sitter and then came to work.  I texted hubby and told him and he suggested I eat more, which I was gonna do just hadn't got to it yet, I made some oatmeal and do feel a bit better but still not a 100%.  Have any of you encountered this just after exercise?  Hopefully this is just a one time deal.  I leave you with a pic of my hotness after the workout....

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Happy Dance!

This will be a short post because I have a ton of things to do today.  I changed my weigh in day to Saturday. I weighed in this morning....I lost 4.4 lbs! Yay! That means I lost that 3 lbs I gained plus lost an extra 1.4!! Take that scale, feels good being back on track!